January 12, 2014

Stayin busy and warm . .

The temps here in Montana are ridiculous. . . -22, -42 with wind chill. . . brrrrrr.  Needless to say it’s best to just stay indoors.
This has forced me to finish a few projects and even start some new ones. I’ve also been doing some shopping that doesn’t require any driving or braving the cold. . . thank you Etsy. I got some cute things I’ll show you in a later post.
I painted the family room before the holidays, but wanted to get the huge bookcase/shelves painted as well. Can I just say. . . I HATE that bookcase. It’s made of particle board, the shelves are were hung with metal pegs, bead board wallpaper on the back wall and front bottom, 2 outlets that are just in the way. . . I could go on and on. .  it is on its way out, and not soon enough. The only reason its still here is because it was built on top of *country blue* carpet. It’ll have to stay until we replace the carpet.
The walls in the family room are painted antique white. To try to not bring attention to the 5 hundred pound elephant in the room, I painted it antique white too. . . that plan back fired on me. It’s just too big to be that white. . .it swallowed up my ironstone. So I painted it Cottage Linen (Glidden).
The new color compliments the ironstone. The perfect amount of contrast.
If you remember, I had a make shift office area set up on the right side. And an old cupboard on the left. (It’s been about 10 different ways since then)
My sister gave me the awesome old shelf brackets, a long time ago. The old bread box is from  Yesteryears' Antique Mall. I found the old kraut Cutter (leaning against the right side) wrapped in several layers of newspaper, wrapped in 3 garbage sacks and then wrapped in an old towel. . . in my moms storage shed when I was there for Thanksgiving. The lace edged linen piece is a tablecloth my Gramma embroidered on and she even crotched the beautiful edge, a very special piece. I found the old drying rack last summer when my junkin buddy and I got to be *pickers*. It was laying in a dirt floor garage encased in cobwebs and weeds growing thru it. The 2 small silver cups are actually my kids’. My other Gramma had their name and birth date engraved on them when they were born. She said they were from her collection of Norwegian silver. . .
I filled  ALL of the holes where the pegs used to be and added simple wood brackets.
There’s still room for my ever growing collection. I don’t know what I’ll do with my ironstone if when the bookcase comes out. That’s one thing it’s good for.
I gutted the storage room the other day and decided to use this small cupboard in here. I was storing it until I got new doors for it. But decided I would just paint it and add a linen skirt to it for now. The shelf on top gives more room for displaying. I made the plate rack hanging on the wall.
When I decorate (and re decorate) I like to display things in a way they would have been if this were a 1920’s dining room. Linens, bowls, sho-fly’s and bread boards belong in a dining room. I have to admit, I’m addicted to The Walton’s. I get a lot of ideas from them. . . :) Have you watched the show recently?  They have the coolest farmhouse ever ! ! ! Their beds, their lights, the porches. . . oh and Ike’s store. . . OMG.
Here’s my newest grain sack ! I love it on the bench, but knowing me it won’t stay there for long.
Thankfully blogger keeps me busy and accountable. If I weren't blogging my projects would probably still be waiting on me.
I have a tenancy to ramble on but there’s a method to my madness. Hopefully, my kids and grand kids will read this when I’m no longer here and have some sort of idea where my things came from. And for the things they don’t know what they are, they’ll know “cuz their Gramma said”.  {if you got this far kids. . . yip, this is for you}
Hope everyone is safe and warm. . . hurry up spring. . .


  1. I actually like the book cubby ~ I love the way it looks right now!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why Thank you Lori. . . cubby. . . . I think we'll call it cubby. . . I like that. . . :) d

  3. I like how your whites and creams blend with your rustics. Nice farmhouse style. And yes...I watch The Waltons now and then. Stay warm!

    1. Hi Cindy and thanks for the kind words. . . ~d

  4. You've got so many wonderful collections in your family room, Debi! I especially love your shelf filled with white ironstone. So pretty! Did you know that you can make a book out of your blog? Our daughters are using their blogs as photo albums and printing a book each year.

    1. Thanks Vickie. . . I look forward to your comments. . . always so sweet. . . and NO, I did not know you could book a blog. . . thanks for the heads up. Stay warm . . . and have a good weekend. . . . ~d

  5. WOW Debi, this room looks beautiful! Soooooo many things I love here! I LOVE the color scheme, and the way you have everything displayed just perfectly. I love that bread box and the old drying rack. What I especially love is that you tackled a space that you hate and made it look beautiful. And yes I get so much inspiration from shows or movies that show how rooms would have looked pre-1930s, why aren't there any books that show them?! I look forward to the next project:) ~ Meg

    1. Thanks for stopping by Meg, still waiting to see part 2 of your family room reveal. . . ~d

  6. I can't believe I haven't visited you before this! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I see lots of pinning in my future from here. I'm adding you to my favorite links right now!

    1. HI Dru, and Thank You for stopping by. I don't know if you remember or not, but a loooooong time ago I came to for advise on joining a linky party. . . at that time I hadn't published my blog yet. . . your advise was awesome. . . {{{{whispering}}} I still haven't joined a linky party. . . I hope you DO stop by often. . . I love your blog and get much inspiration from you. . . stay warm. . . ~d

  7. Hi Debi....your "cubby" looks beautiful!! I'm going to run right home and put some of my hoard of lavendar in one of the pitchers!! Thanks for the prod :^)
    Your room is lovely...keep on keeping on and please stay warm...I'm sorry I can't send you some of my 60° and sunshine!!

    1. Hi J. . .thanks for stopping by. . . and thinkin of me in *warm* thoughts. . .

  8. Hi Debi,
    Just found your blog...great job! I'm particularly interested in your chair as I've been looking for the 'perfect' chair for a while. If you don't mind my asking where did you find it, if by chance it's a chair that I could find local or order?
    Thanks so much and look forward to seeing more of your lovely home,
    Oh, I'm in Florida

    1. Hi Susie, I bought the chair and sofa from Ashley Furniture. If you don't have one in Florida I'm sure you can order it. I don't remember the name/style, sorry. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good weekend. ~d


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